March 14-15, 2024
Bari - The Hotel Nicolaus
March 14-15, 2024 Bari - The Hotel Nicolaus

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  • Daniele Rutigliano, consulente ecommerce Daniele Rutigliano, consulente ecommerce

Daniele Rutigliano


Imprenditore digitale ed esperto ecommerce

Ecommerce consultant and CEO of Aproweb

Daniele Rutigliano is ecommerce consultant since 2005, and sole director of web agency Aproweb and author of the books “Ecommerce Vincente” [“Winning E-commerce”] and “Magento 1.9-2.2” for Hoepli. Teacher at various training institutions (including: IED, School of Business - LUM University of Casamassima, Master Ecommerce - Suor Orsola University of Naples and Netcomm Academy) and in the most important industry events (SMXL, Meet Magento Italy, WebUpdate, SMAU), as well as being a moderator at the Netcomm Forum in Milan.